The purpose of uniforms is to make sure that all of our students are equal in outer appearances. We ask that you help to make sure that the policies are followed. Uniforms are to be worn beginning August 12, 2024. Parents are to purchase uniforms from Mid South Medical, Inc (3209 Breard St. Monroe, ph# 318-855-0411) or Land's End ( SHOP: Lands End Uniforms
On Mass days, girls in PreK3 – 3rd must wear the jumper with white blouse. Girls in 4th – 6th must wear plaid skirt with sailor blouse and tie (girls' ties only available at Mid South Medical). Boys must wear blue pants with belt and white oxford shirt. The oxford may have short or long sleeves. The oxford is only for Mass days. BOYS IN GRADES 4-6 ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR THE RED & BLUE STRIPED TIE ON MASS DAYS. THESE TIES ARE AVAILABLE AT Mid South Medical, Inc. and Land's End. BOYS IN GRADES PREK3-3RD GRADE, TIES ARE OPTIONAL. Students who wear the wrong uniform on Mass days will call parents for a change of clothes or a pink slip will be issued. ALL ITEMS OF CLOTHING SHOULD BE CLEARLY MARKED WITH THE CHILD'S NAME.
Uniform Options
All red shirts and oxford shirts must have the JGS patch on them. This can be done through Mid South Medical, Land's End, Monograms Unlimited or H. Mickel Sports.
Girls (PreK 3-3rd Grade)
Navy shorts or pants (No capri length pants or skorts are allowed) with red knit shirt, sailor blouse with tie, or white blouse with blue piping. (PreK3 & PreK4 may wear elastic waist shorts/pants.)
Jumper with white blouse and blue piping. Jumpers and shorts should be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee.
Belt (should be brown or black)
Mass uniform: Jumper with white blouse and blue piping.
Girls (4th- 6th Grade)
Navy shorts or pants with red knit shirt or sailor blouse with tie.
Plaid skirt with sailor blouse and tie. Skirts and shorts should be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee.
Belt (should be brown or black)
Mass uniform: Plaid skirt with sailor blouse and tie.
Girls' ties may be purchased at Mid South Medical.
Boys (All Grades)
Navy shorts or pants with red knit shirt. (PreK3 & PreK4 may wear elastic waist shorts/pants.)
Belt (should be brown or black)
Mass uniform: White oxford shirt with blue pants and belt.
Red and blue striped tie, available at Mid South Medical or Land's End, is required on Mass days in grades 4-6. (Ties are optional for boys in grades PK3-3rd.)
Students in PreK3, PreK4 & Kindergarten are not required to wear a belt.
Cold Weather Clothing
Only regulation JGS sweatshirts or blue fleece jackets with the crest may be worn in class, available at Mid South Medical, Monograms Unlimited and Land's End. Students may also wear the regulation red or navy cardigan in the classroom. All items may be purchased at Mid South Medical or Land's End. Students may wear any coat when outside. Solid navy, black or white tights may be worn during cold weather. No other colors are allowed.
Students may wear tennis shoes or a low-heeled oxford. Heels should not be over 1”. Boots, sandals, or Crocs are not allowed for any students. Tennis shoes should not have lights. White or black socks are to be worn with shoes. PreK & Kindergarten students may wear slip on shoes or Velcro shoes.
Students wearing the red knit shirt should keep their shirt tucked in at all times.
Belts should be worn with pants and shorts for students in 1st-6th.
Girls wearing the white sailor blouse must wear ties.
Girls may wear only clear nail polish.
No makeup or artificial nails allowed on JGS campus.
Only white t-shirts with no writing may be worn under uniform.
Hair must be combed, clean, neatly groomed, above the eyebrows, and for boys, above the collar and above the top of the ear.
Unusual, distracting, or extreme haircuts are not acceptable and hair must be of natural color for boys and girls. Haircuts must be conventional. No excessively short sides with long tops, tails, razor cuts, visible cut lines showing in the hair, and other such cuts are not allowed.
Only jewelry appropriate for school will be allowed.
Earrings should be no larger than a dime.
Boys may not wear earrings and/or metallic accessories.
Shirts should remain tucked into school pants/shorts throughout the school day.
Students are not allowed to have tattoos.
Free Dress Days
When free dress days occur on Mass Days, clothing should be appropriate for attending Mass. Parents will be called and a change of clothes requested if clothing is inappropriate.
No spaghetti strap shirts/dresses or halter tops.
Shorts should be no shorter than uniform shorts.
No inappropriate artwork or writing on clothing.
No leggings worn as pants-leggings must be worn with a dress or skirt. Yoga pants, skorts and tennis skirts are not allowed.
*All uniform regulations and guidelines are subject to the discretion or the principal and assistant principal. If student arrives inappropriately dressed, parents will be contacted for appropriate clothing before they are allowed into class.